
Good mental health and wellbeing can have a positive impact on relationships, education, training and work. However, a number of factors can impact the way people feel, and it’s important people can get the right help and support.

Creating a good system that works for children, young people and adults is essential to improving mental health and wellbeing outcomes.

On this page you can read how we gathered insights to shape our focus for the next five years.

Building on what people with mental health issues have already told us

In our Population Needs Assessment, people told us they would like access to support and advice, in addition to more services and appointments that support people with mental health issues. They would also like to see more preventative services that increase resilience within communities.

Looking back to move forward

We looked at all of the priorities highlighted in our Population Needs Assessment, and identified key themes to explore in more detail. Together we looked at the actions that need to be taken in partnership to improve services and support.

Story behind 'The River', written with communities and professionals

The insights from this song fed into our Population Needs Assessment chapter on mental health.

Listen to The River

How we involved people who access mental health services in shaping our Regional Area Plan

We want to ensure people with mental health problems receive the right support, services and information.

In 2022, we held a hack-a-thon which brought together people who access mental health services and professionals. Together they looked at what matters to users of services, and how we can work together to improve health and social care.

During our mental health hack-a-thon, we split everyone into groups to look at:

  • Substance misuse
  • Loneliness and isolation
  • Journey to diagnosis


How can services be improved?

In summary, people who access mental health services would like to see:

  • Alcohol free spaces to socialise, including clubs, pubs and places to eat
  • A one door approach with access to all services (e.g., someone misusing substances also accessing holistic help)
  • Connecting people who feel lonely together: investing in befriending services for all ages, intergenerational hubs
  • Using existing community spaces to provide support without the stigma of going to a ‘known’ mental health service
  • One team knowing the whole story of the person, working together with the person and for the person



Listen to this song about experiences of substance misuse.

Read lyrics

Road to Somewhere

Listen to this song about struggling with poor mental health, and the importance of finding the right support.

Read lyrics

Want to get involved with improving services for people affected by mental health issues?

You may find the reports below useful.

Population Needs Assessment

We have identified key priorities for our communities in our Population Needs Assessment. Here we explain how we worked with communities to identify these.

Read more

Regional Area Plan

Our Regional Area Plan outlines the actions that will be taken to improve services and support.

Read more

Regional Area Plan (Easy Read)

An Easy Read version of our Regional Area Plan is available here.

Read More

Contributors, Barriers and Solutions to Co-Production

This Our Voice Matters report shows the contributors, barriers and solutions to co-production.

Download here

Co-producing in a crisis

Co-Production In a Crisis: Valuing the Voices of Cwm Taf Morgannwg through the Covid-19 Pandemic'. The report, developed by the Our Voice Matters project, shares examples of good practice and recommendations for embedding co-production in projects

Download here

Together for Mental Health strategy

How Welsh Government will improve the mental health and wellbeing of our population.

Read more

We are proud to be members of
Co-Production Network for Wales.

We are proud to be members of
Co-Production Network for Wales.