The River

This song was written with people who access mental health services about their experiences.

Listen to a podcast about this song here.


Supporting people who misuse substances to get the right help

We want to support people misusing substances to reduce the harms they may be causing to themselves, their families and communities.

Through this work, we hope to:

  • Work with the Cwm Taf Morgannwg Area Planning Board to improve the integration of the services for substance use disorders across the continuum.
  • Improve the cohesion between substance misuse services and mental health support.
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Ensuring people have access to a variety of mental health services

We want to support people to have access to a wide range of mental health services in their local areas. This can help improve their wellbeing, and reduce loneliness and isolation.

Through this work, we hope to:

  • Improve the integration of services across our communities with a focus on combating loneliness and isolation.
  • Increase open access resources within local areas, that are available to whoever needs them.
  • Increase education and awareness of specific conditions that will improve inclusivity and encourage people to engage.
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Supporting people awaiting a mental health diagnosis to have the support they need

We want to ensure people waiting for a diagnosis of a mental health condition have access to the information and services they need, so they are able to ‘wait well’.

Through this work, we hope to:

  • Ensure mental health support services are better integrated, so people are not passed between multiple services without adequate help and support.
  • Ensure people are placed at the centre of care and support planning and receive the relevant services.
  • Ensure key information is easily accessible so people are better aware of the services and provision available to them.
  • Improve access to support, including self-referral and GP referral, to speed up potential diagnoses and all  people to start treatment earlier.
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Delivering an improved ‘whole system’ approach for mental health support

We want to bring together with people with lived experiences and professionals to develop an approach that will improve the mental health system as a whole, rather than isolated areas.

Through this work, we hope to:

  • Better understand the current scope and need of mental health support, from preventative to specialist.
  • Upskill staff/ professionals across the region so they can (appropriately) support people to achieve good mental health and wellbeing.
  • Improve specialist support for those experiencing mental health issues.
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What we have achieved



Over 200 people have been involved in creating these priorities.



Three working groups will take this work forward.



Over ten songs, poems, artworks and drama sketches have been created to share how people feel about these themes.

Learn more about our work to improve services and support for people who access mental health services here.

Can't find what you need? Get in touch!

Throughout the five years we will be sharing updates on progress, and working co-productively with people who live and work in our communities to meet our ambitions.

We are always looking for people with lived experiences, carers and professionals to be involved in our work. You can sign up to our contact page, and also register to attend our events.

The full Regional Area Plan is available in the link.

If you have any questions, please email

Download the Regional Area Plan

People who access mental health services and professionals who support them have helped to shape these priorities. We will review these priorities on an annual basis, and continue to involve people with mental health issues and professionals in implementing them.

We will work with partners including the Together for Mental Health Board, the Public Services Board and the Substance Misuse Area Planning Board to this work forward over the next five years.

Together we will look at how these actions can be delivered in partnership to improve services and support.

Do you access mental health services? Do you work as a professional in mental health services? Share your thoughts on these priorities here.

We are proud to be members of
Co-Production Network for Wales.

We are proud to be members of
Co-Production Network for Wales.