I am the Chief Executive Officer of Age Connects Morgannwg, a regional charity working with older people living in Rhondda Cynon Taf, Bridgend and Merthyr Tydfil, a position I have held since 2005. I am also a Non-Executive Director of Age Connects Wales, a registered charity that works across Wales via national partnership projects and services. In 2017 I was elected as the National Third Sector Representative to the Cwm Taf Morgannwg Regional Partnership Board (CTM RPB), becoming Chair in May 2018 and re-elected as Chair for a third year in May 2020. I am also the National Partnerships Lead of the Together For Children and Young People Programme (T4CYP) and the Protect Workstream Lead of the region’s Test Trace and Protect Programme.
We are proud to be members of
Co-Production Network for Wales.
We are proud to be members of
Co-Production Network for Wales.