Meeting with unpaid carers
As a RPB, we held a meeting with unpaid carers to understand the challenges faced by them, and also what can be improved so they can feel more included and involved. Those involved in the discussion are now part of our Community Action Group so we can ensure they are represented.
Identifying opportunities
With so many organisations and community groups across Cwm Taf Morgannwg, we know there will be lots of opportunities to have meaningful conversations with our residents in an environment that works for them. We have spent some time looking at all of the different events taking place across the region, and how we can take part to make sure we are listening to and hearing as many people as we can.
Our first meeting
Our first meeting as a group is on the 13th August. We will share updates from that meeting, and will also start planning our additional groups that will support the main Community Action Group; looking at communications and engagement and data collection.
Get involved
It's important we have a wide range of people contributing to our assessment. If you'd like to get involved, contact us here