How does the Marie Curie Companion Service help families?

Living with a terminal illness is very upsetting, for both the person, and their loved ones.

That’s why it’s so important to get the right care and support. Small things, like having a chat over a cup of tea or having support with an errand, can make a positive difference when going through a challenging time.

The Marie Curie Companion Service connects families with a trained dedicated companion volunteer who will visit families at home, go out with them somewhere, or talk over the phone.

For a few hours each week, the person, and their loved ones, can rely on someone to be there for them, when they need them.

How does the project work?

Everyone is different, but the types of support the companion volunteers give often include:

  • Companionship and emotional support – a friendly ear, someone to talk to about whatever is on a person’s mind
  • Practical help –  Companion volunteers go to appointments or social events to help with every day tasks
  • Break for families and carers – volunteers sit with the person while their family or carer takes a break for a few hours
  • Information on further support – volunteers help to look into other support and services available in the area

Companion volunteers also provide support to families for a few months after the bereavement. 


About the volunteers

The service will find about more about the person and their family before matching a companion volunteer.

The volunteers have completed specialist training for their role.

Once matched, the family can make contact with their companion volunteer to discuss the support that is needed.

The service is based entirely around the needs of the person and their family. Volunteers can offer a chat on the phone, practical support, or further information.

Get in touch

If you'd like more information about the project, get in touch below.

The service can help somebody if they are aged 18 or over with a terminal illness, or if the person is looking after somebody who is terminally ill.

The service is free of charge.

Phone 02922 679 740

Call charges may apply. Please check with your provider. 

Email Us

Download the leaflet

A leaflet is available here.

Download here

Funded through the Regional Integration Fund

This project has been funded through the Regional Integration Fund. For more information, please click the link.

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